How to build and enable high performance teams with Frédéric Meuwly
Consultant and speaker Frédéric Meuwly, Ph.D. views teams as complex human ecosystems that can achieve long-term success by focusing on 18 factors of workgroup sustainability presented in the new guide "Sustainable Teams".
At a time when many organizations are still too focused on short-term returns, Sustainable Teams is a vibrant call to leadership to redefine collective work in response to the profoundly disruptive changes in our environment, societies and economies.
The presentation will last about 45 minutes and afterwards you will be able to ask all your questions to Frédéric Meuwly, author of the guide "Sustainable Teams" published in December 2020.
"This book is a must. It will enable you to sustainably transform the cohesion and collective performance of teams within your organization. "
Prof. George A. Kohlrieser, Professor Emeritus of Leadership and Organizational Behavior, IMD business school, Lausanne, Switzerland.
We kindly ask you to turn off your camera and sound during the webinar.
17:55: Opening of the virtual zoom room
18:00: Welcome by Alexia Bertschi, SKO
18:10: Speech by Frédéric Meuwly, author of the guide "Sustainable teams
18:55: Q & A
The Presentation will be held in English.
Participants will receive the link to participate in the webinar on June 2nd in the early afternoon at the email address provided during registration.
The participation fee includes the book wich will be sent directly to your home immediately following the webinar.
Participation Fee:
SKO-Members CHF 40,- (including the book "sustainable teams" + shipping fee)
Other Participants CHF 55,- (including the book "sustainable teams" + shipping fee)